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Glimpse of Urban Chronicles 4 launch at Guwahati ,Assam Book  fair :

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Nita Bajoria 

Urban Chronicles 3

The third graphic novel in the "Urban Chronicle" series is a feel good read about recovery when the rug is pulled from under one's feet. 


The Casket & Besky

The Casket and Besky is a set of two novellas about women striving for their career. 


Urban Chronicles 1

Urban Chronicle series is a collection of graphic short stories. Unlike typical genres of a comic book, this series is one of its kind that explores life in a metro.


Myra & the Secret Library

Myra discovers a secret library with paper books in a world where they're obsolete, but it's threatened with destruction.


Urban Chronicles 2

Urban Chronicles II,  highlights the parenthood of urban dwellers through three visceral short stories.


The Leap

The newest entry in the library of science fiction novels about Mars written over the last century and a quarter is different from the usual gadget-driven or pure fantasy fare.

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